NEF has developed and maintains this web site as a resource to our customers. We provide information regarding our products and services, and industry related information. Every attempt is made to provide accurate information, however, we cannot guarantee its accuracy and we do not warrant that the information, content or functions are error-free. By accessing NEF’s web site you acknowledge and accept these terms of use.
At our sole discretion, NEF has the right to modify or discontinue this web site, or portions thereof, as we deem appropriate. The contents, design elements, programming logic, program or product logos remain the property of NEF and are protected by copyright, trademark and other laws. Any distribution, reproduction, or selling of the contents of the web site is strictly prohibited unless written permission is provided from NEF.
You agree to provide accurate information on any application requests through the web site. NEF may terminate your access to information at any time without advance notice. You agree to access only the information you are entitled to, and you will not falsely represent another individual or entity
Access to the contents of this web site, and affiliated links, are on an “as is” or “as available” basis. NEF disclaims all warranties of any kind, expressed or implied.
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